Sunday 9 February 2014

New Zealand Days 22 and 23

New Zealand  Day 22   Saturday  February  8th

Taupo to Rotorua

We left taupo at about 10 o'clock for a relatively short journey to Rotorua which we arrived at just aft er 11 o'clock.  We left the car there even though the room wasn't ready.  We walked into Rotorua and visited the i centre to find out whats what.  This very much mainly thermal / volcanic areas with Maori tradtions thrown in.  It was raining , the worst weather we have had but it was still very warm and it dried up eventually.

We walked around the lakefront and checked out the museum and Polynesium Spa for future reference.

New Zealand  Day 23  Sunday  February 9th


First stop of the day was Wai O Tapu geothermal area 27 kilometres south of Rotorua.  We had to be there by 9.45 to be on time for the Lady Knox Geyser which erupts every day at 10.15.  This was very popular with crowds of people there.

 After the geyser we walked around the park which is billed as the most colourful geothermal area and it certainly has some colourful pools, hot springs and mud pools the biggest is called the Champagne pool, another was a lurid lime green.

In the afternoon we visited the Rotorua Musuem, this was originally the Old bathhouse of Rotorua and contained lots of history of Rotorua and of the local Maoris.  The building itself was interesting and we were able to climb to the roofline for a view of Rotorua.

Rotorua Museum

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