Tuesday 11 February 2014

New Zealand Day 24

New Zealand  Day  24     Monday  February  10th

  Definitely a cultural experience day.  We visited the Te Puia Maori centre today.  This is on the outskirts of Rotorua and the site also contains geothermal  elements.  Our tickets gave us entry to the main site with  a typical pre-European Maori village,  traditional carving and weaving schools.

The photos above show the entrance hall and space - very impressive.

There was also a kiwi house (real kiwis - the birds that is) - but we were not allowed to photograph them, geothermal mud pools, geyser

and also a Maori cultural experience in the form of a welcome ceremony and concert.  So plenty to keep us busy.

Our guide was really informative and interesting and led us to the different areas while explaining the Maori culture, history and language. Everything was very well presented unfortunately not only were the normal bus loads of Asian tourists but a very large party from an American cruise ship so it was very busy but well worth visiting.

The welcoming ceremony and concert was excellent but unfortunately many of the photos were blurred.

 John took lots of video so we will be able to watch it again.  I liked the traditional crafts especially weaving the NZ flax into mats, baskets, skirts and other traditional items.  Both traditional weaving and carving are taught on the site and some of the work is stunning - very expensive too.

All in all a bit like St. Fagans but with some fierce looking warriors doing a superb welcoming ceremony
 and an excellent short concert.

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