Sunday 2 February 2014

New Zealand Day 14

New Zealand  Day 14      31.01.14

Anyone following this will have noticed that I put the wrong date yesterday but its been corrected  now.  We are both very tired now as we didn't really leave enough time to just do nothing, but its great.  I'm actually (ACTUALLY !!!) writing this a couple of days later using the diary that I am keeping written in the lovely journal Monica gave me, I'm not really a writer though and I think of lots of things to say after so you will just have to put up with me as I am.

Today we set out for Nelson only about 80 miles through yet more lovely mountains covered with forests and farmed river valleys.

We arrived in Nelson at about 12 o'clock, a bit early for the motel but we left the car there and were able to have our room at 1 o'clock.  The room was one of the best yet, with everything we could want in our own room - dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer.  John was tired so had a nap and I went out for a walk.  The weather was really good, hot and sunny.  Nelson looks neat and affluent with lots of really nice houses banked  upon hills overlooking the sea.

We went for a drive when John woke up first to a beach are on the east of Nelson, lovely beach with a few dozen people on it.  We had a paddle in the sea, nice and clear and turquoise green as ever here.  

We also had some really nice icecreams.

We then went on a few miles west of Nelson to Cable Bay.  This was at the end of a very minor road on a peninsula and it was almost deserted.  It was so unspoilt, a long beach backed by a pebble bank in a large cove - so we went for another paddle there. 

We were able to drive straight up to the pebble bank in the car and on to the beach.

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