Sunday 2 February 2014

New Zealand Days 15 and 16

New Zealand  Day 15 Saturday 01.02.14

Went to the Saturday market in the morning.  Lots of stalls selling local produce, odds and ends and all manner of things.  lots of people singing playing violin, and other instruments - very colourful.

After that we went for a drive north of the city towards the Abel Tasman National Park.  You can only access it by car at the north or south end - we chose the north end which entailed lots of hills and hairpin bends as usual here pretty but tiring.  We ended up in a small village called Pokara which was beautiful and again fabulous beaches that were virtually deserted.

This was in the village but further out was even better.

AND NONE OF OUR OTHER PHOTOS CAME OUT.  We are really disappointed as it was so lovely and different from other beaches we had seen.

Sunday 03.02.14

We took the ferry today for North island.  We had to be up early as we had a 2 hour drive to Picton and the ferry and had to be there an hour early, so we set out at 8 am.  the drive was partly over yet more forest covered mountains so not the  best when your in a hurry.

The ferry ride was lovely through the islands and sounds off the North East South island coast.  once we left those North Island was in view and we had an impressive view into Wellington Harbour with its sea front and high rise buildings.

 Queen Charlotte Sound, South Island.  The colours look dull I don't know what went wrong, this one below shows the colours far better.

Leaving South Island

Coming into Wellington Harbour

We found the hotel - a Travel Lodge in the centre, through a public carpark on one side (6th floor of building).  The other entrance on the ground floor is via a flight of steps on a narrow passage.

We weren't impressed initially especially as they charge $29 a day for parking and the same for the internet for a day.   The hotel itself although not as good as some of the places we have stayed is not bad.  City centre accommodation  is expensive in Wellington, but at least we can walk around the city to explore it from here and leave the car for a while.  Wellington is by far the biggest place we have been to, with a more typical cityscape.

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