Tuesday 11 February 2014

New Zealand Day 26

New Zealand   Day 26   Wednesday  February 12th

What to do in a big city (no not a bus tour at nearly $40 a piece) - look for a tall building.  So we headed for Sky City and took the plunge - well no the opposite and took the lift to the heady heights at the top of the tower.  Where we competed with the usual cruise ship customer for places.

One of 3 cruise ships in harbour.

Here we could watch as several brave customers literally took the plunge on a zip wire and jumped passed the observation platform to lots of oos and ahhs by old people sitting watching them go past (including us).  Not even John said that doesn't look so bad.  One person with grey locks and a tubby build did jump but most were young girls (as at the bungy jumping).  

The view was stunning from both the observation platform, upper viewing platform (a few more floors up) and the coffee lounge where we talked with some very interesting and original Australians.

Coffee high up over Auckland

We then came back to Bayswater on the ferry.

Looking back to Auckland on the ferry.

 We then took the car to Devonport a Victorian seaside resort and Naval area just to the south of our hotel.  Lovely trees there, some huge specimens.  It is sheltered in the harbour area so able to grow to the great heights.  Very nice area and had some very good ice-creams.

It was a very pleasant area and the some of the houses were spectacular (one we saw in an estate agents was for sale for + $7.000.000.  We didn't buy any but saw a few we liked in our dreams.

Then back to our hotel which is one of the best we have stayed in.  Our room is certainly the best.  it has a separate bedroom with ensuite from the living room and is very modern in decor.  We had not expected a view but we had a lovely view of Auckland harbour from the balcony which made it stunning.

Nearby were yet more stunning trees and an even better view of the harbour.

Auckland harbour bridge through the trees.

Auckland harbour at dusk from near our hotel.


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