Friday 31 January 2014

New Zealand Day 12

New Zealand Day 12   29.01.14

Well guess what ?  Woke up and clouds and mist had descended over the mountains, not good for our helicopter flight.  Yes that's right it was cancelled !!!  We were so disappointed.  Sat and had coffee for a while then decided to take the car up to the glacier area and walk up to it.  The walk goes through this sub-tropical rain forest and then you are in a glacial area - fantastic.

We did that before 1.00pm so drove down to Fox Village about 20 kms south and go and see Fox Glacier.  The walk to this was more difficult (well for old fogies like us it was)  but we ended up higher up near to the snout of the glacier and some stunning views.

The colours don't look that great but it was not quite so grey.
Both glaciers have retreated up their valleys quite a lot although they had a spell in the 90s when they advanced or maintained their position, they are retreating fast now.

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