Thursday 30 January 2014

New Zealand Day 10

New Zealand  Day 9      27.01.14

Woke up early to go on our Whale watching trip.  Got ready and we were waiting for pick up.  he arrived to inform us that the trip was cancelled due to a large sea surge !!! Not impressed. 

The motel owner suggested that we went to Akaroa  on the Banks Peninsula about 1 1/2 hours from Christchurch, but worth it.  there were some fabulous views on the way and Akaroa itself  is a picturesque, seaside resort.

Went on the Black Cat cruise to the harbour entrance.  The Banks Peninsular is made from two extinct volcanoes.  The sea has eroded inlets into the volcanic remains and Akaroa lies at the head of one of these.  The cruise went to the harbour edge where there are seals, dolphins and sea birds.  

We saw some seals basking on one of the small rocks around the edge of the inlet and also in the distance some dolphins near the harbour entrance.  

There are the some seals in here.

And a dolphin just dived in here.

Not quite the Whale Watch but a nice day.

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